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Ehlers Danlos Syndrome- The Basics

Ehlers Danlos is something you had probably never heard of until you or someone close to you was diagnosed. Then you jumped onto google and saw that people with EDS can stretch their skin a lot! All the way over there face!! And they were extremely hyper mobile. Maybe you weren't  as severe as that and wondered if this was the correct diagnosis? Some people with EDS are like the ones described but most aren't and it is so much more than that...


I am going to bold the most common symptoms

  • Fragile Skin- skin that rips and tears easily
  • Small, harmless tumors at pressure points (such as hands) they are usually not very noticeable and do not cause much pain
  •  Thin Translucent Skin. Sometimes you can see the blood vessels
  • Joint Dislocations. These are often painful.
  • Joint Subluxations. These are also painful
  • Flat Feet. This can be treated with Orthotics
  • Cervical Instability- This can cause a lot of problems. This usually happens in the teenage years. 
  • Muscle Weakness and low muscle tone-  this can cause pain and physio can help a lot
  • Scoliosis- this can be corrected by surgery in severe cases but most of the time it is able to be left.
  • Easy Bruising- Some parents are accused of child abuse because of the bruising. 
  • Delayed Wound Healing- After injuries or surgery the wounds can sometimes take twice as long to heal.
  • Soft Velvety Skin- All through life the skin can feel like the skin of a new born baby. 
  • Cigarette Paper Scars
  • Unexplained Stretch Marks- These marks can often appear on the back, thighs, breasts, stomach and knees.
  • Poor Balance
  • Headaches- some people with EDS can have headaches every day or once a week. These headaches can be mild to severe.
  • Migraines
  • High Mouth Palate- This can cause speech and dental problems. 
  • Chronic Pain- This is often the biggest problem for EDS patients
  • High Resistance to Anesthetics- the anesthesiologists have to be very careful people with EDS do not wake up during surgery
  • High Sensitivity to light
  • High Sensitivity to noise
  •  Myofascial pain
  • Paleness of the skin
  • Clumsiness
  • Burning Pain
  • Chronic Fatigue

Copyright Rachael Ralston 2013.  This site is not to be used instead of a doctor.

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